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Office 0116 3735496 | Servicing 07740329387


Booster set install At an apartment block following a flood

Booster set install At an apartment block following a flood

Faced with a flood at an apartment block in Leicester following recent downpours, we answered the call of help for our client!

The existing booster set had failed and to add to the complexity, the sump pump wasn’t even connected. At this point, our team quickly went to work and sourced a stock booster set, had it on site the very next day, and got to work.

Our skilled engineers fitted local isolators and installed the new booster and sump, ensuring optimal operation.

Residents, who’d been temporarily housed in hotels, returned home to a flood-free environment. Not only that, but our engineers also drained the tank down, gave it a full clean, and carried out a thorough chlorination for good measure.

Just another day at the office for our team, leaving behind nothing but happy residents and a job well done!

Contact us for any enquiries at:

0116 3735496


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Unit E, Linwood Workshops,
Linwood Lane, Leicester LE2 6QJ


Office: 0116 3735496
Service: 07740 329387


Mon-Fri 9:00-17:00
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