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Noisy Water Pump Replacement in the Midlands

Noisy Water Pump Replacement in the Midlands

Noisy Pump Replacement in the Midlands

In our latest project, a routine service visit unveiled a challenge: a noisy pump causing unrest for one of our clients.

The culprit? Excessive bearing noise and a failed mechanical seal.

After diagnosing the issue, we presented the client with two clear options: a comprehensive repair or a complete replacement. Opting for the latter, we sprung into action to restore peace.

Action Taken:

We swiftly ordered a new pump, removing and decommissioning the faulty unit upon our return. Our team expertly supplied and installed a brand-new pump, ensuring a seamless mechanical and electrical integration.

The Outcome:

A full test confirmed the success of the install. The system, now operating as an efficient twin pump booster, runs smoothly without the disruptive noise, bringing an end to those sleepless nights for our client.

Whether it’s a minor service or a major installation, we’re here to ensure your systems run quietly and efficiently.

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Unit E, Linwood Workshops,
Linwood Lane, Leicester LE2 6QJ


Office: 0116 3735496
Service: 07740 329387


Mon-Fri 9:00-17:00
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