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Shocking Water Tank Clean at a Residential Property in London!

Shocking Water Tank Clean at a Residential Property in London!

Shocking Water Tank Clean at a Residential Property in London

We’ve seen some filthy tanks in our time, but this recent project in London was a shocker. The tank was in an overly warm plant room adjacent to boilers and hot water cylinders, the perfect storm for creating the results you can see in the photos.

The Problem:

Due to its hidden location and an automatic bypass, the system remained unchecked for over a year, allowing water temperatures to escalate and significantly degrade the water quality. It wasn’t until the mains pressure dropped that the issue came to light.

Before & After:

The transformation post-cleaning is as startling as it is relieving. Although, fortunately, the tank hadn’t been in use for 12 months, preventing any immediate health risks to residents, the condition pre-cleaning was a wake-up call.

Our Solution:

Our team conducted a thorough clean and chlorination, restoring the tank to a safe, functional state. This intervention underscores the importance of regular monitoring and maintenance to prevent such extreme scenarios.

We also sent samples of the water off for testing

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