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Tank Cleaning and Chlorination at a Birmingham Apartment Block

Tank Cleaning and Chlorination at a Birmingham Apartment Block

Client Overview: A newly onboarded client manages a large apartment block in Birmingham, UK. The property had not undergone tank cleaning or chlorination for several years, leading to potential health risks due to stagnant water.

Challenge: The client needed urgent cleaning and chlorination services to ensure the water quality met health and safety standards. The main challenge was to perform the service efficiently and effectively without disrupting the daily lives of the residents.

Solution Implemented: NT Cloke Pumps & Water conducted a comprehensive cleaning and chlorination of the water tank. Our team:

  • Assessed the condition of the tank.
  • Implemented a detailed cleaning process to remove sediments and bacteria.
  • Conducted chlorination to sanitize the water system.
  • Took samples for laboratory testing to ensure all health and safety standards were met.


  • Before and After Transformation: The before and after photos showcased dramatic improvements in the tank’s condition.
  • Health and Safety Compliance: Post-service testing confirmed the water quality was restored to safe levels.
  • Resident Safety Ensured: The project was completed with minimal disruption to residents, ensuring their continuous access to safe water.

Conclusion: Regular maintenance of water tanks is crucial for property managers to avoid health risks and ensure compliance with safety regulations. NT Cloke Pumps & Water provided a quick and effective solution that not only resolved the existing issues but also set a standard for future preventive measures.

Call to Action: For business and property owners, ensuring the health of your water systems is paramount. Contact NT Cloke Pumps & Water to schedule your tank cleaning and chlorination service today.

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Unit E, Linwood Workshops,
Linwood Lane, Leicester LE2 6QJ


Office: 0116 3735496
Service: 07740 329387


Mon-Fri 9:00-17:00
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