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Winter Upgrades at Lancaster Boys High School

Winter Upgrades at Lancaster Boys High School

Project Overview: NT Cloke Pumps & Water carried out significant upgrades at Lancaster Boys High School in Leicester during the Christmas break. The project aimed to ensure the school’s heating systems were optimized and ready for the winter term.

Service Highlights:

  • Non-Return Valves Replacement: Old non-return valves that had compromised the heating system’s efficiency were replaced, resolving ongoing issues.
  • Heating Pumps Upgrade: We installed new inverter-driven heating pumps, which are known for their energy efficiency, reducing the school’s operational costs.
  • Pressurisation Unit Overhaul: The outdated fill and spill unit was replaced with a newly sealed system, appropriately sized with an accompanying vessel for better pressure management and system longevity.

Impact of Upgrades: These upgrades are crucial for maintaining a comfortable and uninterrupted educational environment. The improvements not only enhance system reliability but also contribute to significant energy savings, aligning with the school’s sustainability goals.

Why Regular Servicing Matters: Regular maintenance and timely upgrades of school facilities, especially heating systems, are essential for ensuring continuous operation and comfort. Our intervention during the holidays meant no disruption to school activities.

Interested in Professional Upgrades? NT Cloke Pumps & Water specializes in upgrading and servicing educational facilities to improve efficiency and system reliability.

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Unit E, Linwood Workshops,
Linwood Lane, Leicester LE2 6QJ


Office: 0116 3735496
Service: 07740 329387


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