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Heating System Repair at a Local School in Leicester

Heating System Repair at a Local School in Leicester

Project Snapshot:

  • Location: Local educational institution
  • Challenge: Unserviced heating system causing operational failure
  • Solution: Replacement of expansion vessel and comprehensive system service
  • Outcome: Restored heating functionality and system efficiency

Background: A local school faced significant issues with its heating system, which had not received maintenance in over six years. They reached out to NT Cloke Pumps & Water for an urgent solution as the system struggled to perform efficiently.

The Challenge: The school’s heating system was in dire need of repair, particularly the expansion vessel, which had become waterlogged and non-functional due to a failed diaphragm. This malfunction had compromised the entire heating system’s efficiency and operation.

NT Cloke’s Response: Our skilled team quickly assessed the issue and diagnosed the cause of the system’s failure. Understanding the urgency of the situation, especially in an educational setting, we expedited the order and installation of a new expansion vessel. We then carefully set the correct air charge to ensure optimal functionality.

System Revival: Following the vessel replacement, we performed a thorough service of the entire pressurisation system. This comprehensive approach not only fixed the immediate issue but also enhanced the system’s overall performance, ensuring it could reliably serve the school’s needs.

Preventative Measures: This repair underscored the importance of regular maintenance, which prevents such breakdowns and ensures the longevity and efficiency of heating systems. NT Cloke Pumps & Water provides customised service plans that help educational institutions maintain their systems in peak condition, preventing disruptions and avoiding costly repairs.

Engage Our Services: For detailed service plans and expert heating system maintenance, reach out to NT Cloke Pumps & Water. We ensure your facilities are always running smoothly and efficiently.

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Unit E, Linwood Workshops,
Linwood Lane, Leicester LE2 6QJ


Office: 0116 3735496
Service: 07740 329387


Mon-Fri 9:00-17:00
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