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Office 0116 3735496 | Servicing 07740329387


On-Site Mechanical Seal Replacement at Leicester Apartment Block

On-Site Mechanical Seal Replacement at Leicester Apartment Block

Challenge Encountered: During a routine call at a Leicester apartment block, NT Cloke Pumps & Water discovered a leaking pump caused by a failed mechanical seal. The leak posed a risk to the building’s operations, requiring swift action.

Solution Implemented: Our team is committed to quick responses. Having the required mechanical seal in stock, we were able to conduct a fast repair. The process included stripping the pump, removing the old seal, and installing the new one—all within a day after the initial call.

Outcome Achieved: The pump was restored to full functionality with minimal downtime. This event underscores the value of regular maintenance, which can prevent emergencies and ensure system reliability.

The Importance of Maintenance: Regular checks and timely interventions are essential to maintain system efficiency and avoid unexpected failures.

For reliable and prompt pump services, contact NT Cloke Pumps & Water:

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Unit E, Linwood Workshops,
Linwood Lane, Leicester LE2 6QJ


Office: 0116 3735496
Service: 07740 329387


Mon-Fri 9:00-17:00
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