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Underground Pod Refit at Local Apartment Block

Underground Pod Refit at Local Apartment Block

🚨 Challenge: Responding to an urgent call from an apartment block, our team discovered water supply issues stemming from two flooded underground pods, one of which was operating on bypass.

🛠️ Solution Implemented: Our comprehensive upgrade included:

  • Safety Measures: Installation of a solenoid valve at the tank inlet, preventing overflows by automatically closing at high water levels or if leakage is detected.
  • Pump and Control Upgrades: A new sump pump adequately spec’d for the demand was installed along with an external control panel with GSM technology for real-time text alerts on system status.
  • Energy Efficiency: The installation of inverter-driven, energy-efficient pumps reduces operational costs and enhances system performance.

🧪 Post-Installation Care: After installation, the system was thoroughly cleaned and chlorinated. We also established a maintenance contract for ongoing system monitoring and care.

🌟 Why Partner with Us: NT Cloke Pumps & Water is committed to providing reliable and innovative water management solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. Ensure your building’s water systems are expertly maintained by reaching out today.

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Unit E, Linwood Workshops,
Linwood Lane, Leicester LE2 6QJ


Office: 0116 3735496
Service: 07740 329387


Mon-Fri 9:00-17:00
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